So what’s flash fiction?

Short stories. Really short. Most of my stories started life as entries in a daily online flash fiction contest. The daily prompt is three specific words that have to appear in a story of no more than 300 words, a complete story in less than a page. Typically, it will take you about a minute to read each of my yarns. Flash - it’s over, and you can go.

Why subscribe?

To read about politics? Nope. The culture divide? Nope. Economic and health-care inequity? Nope and nope. Sports, war, poverty? Nope, nope, nope. To read my quickie stories? Yep. How is that important? Good question. Don’t ask me. I just write the stuff. If you decide to read it, many thanks!


Looking for a story that conveys a specific theme? Here are some of the ideas behind my stories. Enter a hashtag in the search bar to find stories that touch on a specific theme.




































#Interior life















#Parent-child relationships
























If you’re here, you’re either a reader or a writer or both. I do believe there is a community of us out there. In here. Wherever. I mean, a gaggle of hundreds of book groups says something. And that’s just on my block.

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Meantime, welcome, welcome, to whatever this is.

Subscribe to Word Order Substack

Got a minute? That's about how long it'll take you to zip through each of my flash fiction stories here. Thanks for reading!


I teach writing, reading, English. I've run non-profits, for-profits, a school. I've been a jazz DJ, pizza cook, cab driver. I've been a lot of things and met a lot of great people along the way.